The Big Picture
The environment's at the heart of all our work.
Welcome to the First Mile features and hot topics that make us tick.
First Mile wins 'Contribution to Achieving Net Zero' Award
First Mile leads the way in reducing carbon emissions by making it easier for businesses to recycle. So we’re thrilled to be the winners of the new ‘Contribution to Achieving Net Zero’ award!
Why is Renewable Energy So Important?
As a business, you have the responsibility to choose your energy sources wisely and to make use of alternative and renewable energy.
What is a Waste Transfer Note?
What’s the difference between compostables and biodegradables?
Whilst the increased interest by the public for compostables is a positive change, there’s still a lot of misinformation out there.
What's the future of recycling?
Recycling plays an essential role in tackling the climate crisis, but it’s not always as easy as just chucking our rubbish in the recycling bin. We’re all doing our bit, but, somehow, our waste is still ending up piled up in landfills or clogging up our oceans. How will recycling change to prevent this?
The new ‘right to repair’ law
Throwing our old appliances into landfill and buying replacements is expensive for us, but it’s even more costly for our planet.
What is the Circular Economy?
The circular economy is a system whereby everything is designed in a way that can be re-used with minimal environmental impact.
Can you recycle coat hangers?
Unsurprisingly, most people don’t know if they can recycle hangers
Get in touch
You're one step away from a cheaper, greener recycling service.